The History of Penile Enlargement and the Advent of Penuma

James J. Elist, MD, FACS, a urologist and surgeon in private practice in Beverly Hills, California, explains why a patient may request penile enlargement, lists available treatment options for these patients, and discusses how to screen and select patients for a penile implant. He highlights the importance of the selection and screening process, observing that patients may have unrealistic expectations about how penile enlargement will affect their penis, may need psychological counseling or psychotherapy to address certain feelings about their penis, and may have undergone plastic surgery that affects their options for penile enlargement. Dr. Elist then looks at Penuma®, the first FDA-cleared, patented, and manufactured subcutaneous silicone implant for penile cosmetic corrective surgery. He explains how to perform the quick outpatient surgical procedure, goes over recovery and follow-up details, and considers the benefits of the implant compared to other options. Dr. Elist notes that the Penuma® implant is permanent yet reversible, customizable to patient anatomy, has no effect on erectile function and does not interfere with the urethra, remains accessible across the country, and boasts a strong and long term track record of patient satisfaction and low adverse events.

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