Nicole L. Miller, MD, FACS, presented “Treatment of the Ureteral Stone: What Do the AUA Guidelines Say?​” during the 40th Annual Ralph E. Hopkins Urology Seminar on February 5th, 2020 in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

How to cite: Miller, Nicole L. Treatment of the Ureteral Stone: What Do the AUA Guidelines Say?” February 5th, 2020. Accessed May 2024.

Treatment of the Ureteral Stone: What Do the AUA Guidelines Say? – Summary:

Nicole L. Miller, MD, FACS, Associate Professor of Urology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, discusses AUA guidelines for the treatment of ureteral stones, and compares and contrasts them to the EAU guidelines, examining several cases to illustrate similarities and differences in treatment approaches. She observes that the EAU guidelines are updated more frequently than the AUA guidelines, which often puts them ahead in terms of pain management. Dr. Miller emphasizes that shock wave lithotripsy (SWL) treatment has the least morbidity and lowest complication rate, but ureteroscopy (URS) has a higher stone-free rate in all ureteral locations. She discusses which special cases would be best treated with URS, and why a ureteral stent is not necessary after uncomplicated URS. Finally, Dr. Miller looks at how multimodal therapy for stent pain can significantly reduce narcotic usage.

About The 40th Annual Ralph E. Hopkins Urology Seminar:

The Ralph E. Hopkins Urology Seminar is a multi-day meeting focused on training urologists in the latest in assessing, diagnosing, and treating urologic conditions in the clinical setting. Updates are provided on urologic cancers, stone disease, urologic reconstruction, female urology, infertility, emerging surgical techniques, and general urology. Dr. Miller presented this lecture during the 40th iteration of the meeting on February 5th, 2020 in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

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