Ryan P. Terleki, MD, FACS, presented “Physician Coaching and Embracing QI” at the 11th Urology Today conference on October 27, 2023.

How to cite: Terlecki, Ryan P. Physician Coaching and Embracing QI.” October 2023. Accessed May 2024. https://grandroundsinurology.com/physician-coaching-and-embracing-qi/

Physician Coaching and Embracing QI – Summary

Ryan P. Terlecki, MD, FACS, presents a model for quality improvement for healthcare providers, drawing from professional sports coaching. He begins by articulating the professional parallels between physicians and quarterbacks, noting that the best performers in each field have strong professional support networks and constant performance evaluation.

Dr. Terlecki then discusses how quality improvement measures used in professional sports apply to medical practice. He supports his points by presenting data from studies where “playbacks” of urologic surgeries were used to effectively improve surgeon performance. 

Dr. Terlecki concludes by emphasizing the benefits of being open to feedback and making efforts to improve for both healthcare professionals and patients. He encourages healthcare professionals to be open to both giving and receiving coaching in their practices, and provides actionable advice for implementing these quality improvement measures.


About The 11th Urology Today Conference:

Presented by chair Ryan P. Terlecki, MD, FACS, the 11th Urology Today conference was designed to keep urologists, urologic oncologists, and other healthcare providers educated on the most pertinent issues in urology practices. Areas of focus included urologic oncology, men’s health and reconstruction, female urology, pediatric urology, kidney stones and related conditions, and methods of providing the best care amidst the required logistics of the business side of medicine.

For further educational activities from this conference, visit our collection page.