Biomarkers for Bladder Cancer
Amirali Salmasi, MD, delivers a comprehensive presentation on the significance of biomarkers in detecting and monitoring bladder cancer. He reviews the various types and classifications of biomarkers, and their role in identifying the presence or confirmation of diseases and medical conditions, including bladder cancer.
Dr. Salmasi focuses on the concept of response biomarkers, shedding light on how changes in biomarker levels can indicate the efficacy of exposure or treatment. He delves into the specific mechanisms and capabilities of URO17 and ADXBLADDER tests, both of which exhibit promising sensitivity and specificity in detecting bladder cancer.
Concluding the presentation, Dr. Salmasi emphasizes the need for large-scale validation studies to confirm the role of these biomarkers. He mentions the potential role of circulating free DNA, the emerging significance of microRNA, extracellular vesicles, exosomes, and artificial intelligence in revolutionizing the field of biomarker research.
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