Edward Weber, MD

Edward Weber, MD

Seattle, Washington

Edward Weber, MD, is a retired medical oncologist living in Seattle, Washington. He was born and raised in a suburb of Reading, Pennsylvania. After graduating from Princeton University in 1956 with a BA in History, Dr. Weber attended medical school at the University of Pennsylvania. His internship training took place at the University of Vermont in Burlington.

A tour of service as a Naval Flight Surgeon positioned him on Whidbey Island, Washington, and this introduction to the Pacific Northwest ultimately proved irresistible. Following naval service, he received postgraduate training in internal medicine in Philadelphia at the Pennsylvania Hospital and then pursued a fellowship in hematology and oncology at the University of Washington.

His career in medical oncology was at the Tumor Institute of the Swedish Hospital in Seattle where his practice focused largely on the treatment of patients experiencing lung, breast, colon, and genitourinary cancer and malignant lymphoma.

Toward the end of his career, he developed a particular concentration on the treatment of prostate cancer. Since retirement in 2002, he has authored the PCa Commentary, published by the Prostate Cancer Treatment Research Foundation, an analysis of new developments in the prostate cancer field with essays discussing and evaluating treatment management options in this disease. He is a regular speaker at various prostate cancer support groups around Seattle.

Talks by Edward Weber, MD

PCa Commentary | Volume 190 – June 2024

Non-Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer:
Management Options, Associated Adverse Effects, and Treatment Outcomes.

‘Non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer’ (nmCRPC) applies to a wide variety of patients with different risks for disease progression. It refers to patients who have had primary therapy intended for cure who then experience a rising PSA while receiving initial hormone suppression, i.e., nmCRPC. The ‘non-metastatic’ status designates that despite a rising PSA while on ADT conventional imaging with CT and bone scan is negative for metastatic spread. Among this ‘non-metastatic‘ category are men who have features likely associated with early development of metastatic disease i.e., PSA doubling time less than or equal to 10 months and Gleason score greater than or equal to 8. A treatment goal for this group would be to delay the occurrence of metastases, i.e., prolong metastases-free survival.

Non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer in men with high-risk features is frequently metastatic on PSMA PET/CT scans.

This high-risk group was studied by Fendler et al, as reported in Clin Cancer Res. 2019. The study group comprised 200 men with high-risk nmCRPC who exhibited a rising PSA while on hormone suppression (ADT): i.e., PSA greater than 2 ng/ml., PSA doubling time in less than or equal to 10 months and Gleason score greater than or equal to 8. All were negative for metastatic disease on conventional CT and bone scans. When studied with PSMA PET scans, pelvic disease was found in 44%, of which 24% had recurrence in the prostate bed and 55% had cancer spread beyond the pelvis: extra-pelvic nodes, 39%; bone, 24% and viscera disease, 6%.

Treatment Options for Non-Metastatic CRPC:

1) Continue therapy with ADT until conventional imaging detects metastases and then augment ADT with second generation androgen receptor inhibitors (SGARi) – apalutamide, enzalutamide, darolutamide or the steroidogenesis inhibitor abiraterone or initiate a SGARi if the PSA doubling time is less than months.
2) Perform a PSMA PET scan and, upon detecting metastases, augment ADT with a SGARi. The establishment of metastatic CRPC opens additional therapeutic options: Provenge, Bipolar Androgen Therapy (BAT) or metastasis directed therapy (MDT).

A caveat: A thoughtful reflection on option #1 above was presented by Madan et al., Journal of Clinical Oncology, March 2024: “Restaging with Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen Imaging in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: When Seeing More is Detrimental to Care.” They “seriously question if identifying subtle, likely subclinical changes on PSMA imaging translates into improving care” in patients with nmCRPC. Their recommendation is to base any therapeutic switch on disease progression exhibited on CT or bone scan. They note that in nmCRPC [i.e., early in the course of the disease] the PSA can rise over a duration of 17 months
without evidence of progression on conventional imaging. Madan’s position is that a premature switch of therapy based on a PSA rise, or PSMA imaged metastases, should be withheld until research data demonstrates a clinical gain, otherwise the patient is at risk for sustaining adverse side effects without a commensurate survival benefit. A comparison of PSMA and standard imaging in biochemically recurrent prostate cancer is underway in a Clinical Trial, NCT04777071.

Comparison of outcome and quality of life with systemic therapies in men with nmCRPC whose PSA doubling time is less than 10 months.

This was addressed by Shore et al. in “A multidisciplinary approach to address unmet needs in the management of patients with non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer,” Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Disease, March 2024. Shore summarized the goals of treatment for nmCRPC as “delay or prevent metastatic disease and the need for additional antimetastatic treatment, maintain quality of life and prolong survival.” In short, in this high-risk group apalutamide, enzalutamide and darolutamide all increased
metastasis-free and overall survival when added to ADT. They all performed equivalently. The choice among the three is influenced by the adverse effects associated with each. Since there has been no “head-to-head” comparison, Shore’s article offers a consensus opinion based on “a panel of 10 multidisciplinary experts:”

Findings: Fatigue is a common feature of all three drugs: 32.6% for enzalutamide; 30.4%, apalutamide; 12.1% darolutamide — all greater compared to Lupron.

Other adverse effects:

apalutamide (Erleda) – rash, 23.8%; falls 15.6% seizures, 0.2%
darolutamide (Nubeqa) – back pain, 8.8%; arthralgia, 8.1%; seizures, 0.2%
enzalutamide  (Xtandi) – hot flashes, 13%; hypertension, 11.9%; falls, 11.4% and nausea, 11.4%. Seizure rate is comparably low.
Their comparison found “a stable long-term safety profile for darolutamide, whereas the likelihood… for serious adverse effects increased with apalutamide and enzalutamide.” Discontinuation of treatment was least likely with darolutamide, 33 months as compared to enzalutamide and apalutamide, 20.8 and 18.5 months, respectively. (George et al., JCO, 2023).

Drug-drug interactions are of significance and common in the older population commonly taking these drugs. The listing in the article is extensive. A consultation with a pharmacist is appropriate to evaluate and advise regarding a patient’s potential adverse drug-drug interactions.

To be noted: The high-risk for recurrence in the men studied in Fendler (above) and evaluated by Shore (also above) share similar high-risk features, suggesting that the ‘non-metastatic’ patients in Shore, if evaluated by PET/CT, would most likely be PET positive for metastatic CRPC.

A Counterintuitive relationship:  CT progression associated with a non-rising PSA in late disease.

Encompassed in the Shore article is the statement: “ … a substantial proportion of patients using SGARis may experience disease progression without rising PSA levels.”  This counterintuitive finding was reported initially and analyzed in 2017 in “Radiographic progression with non-rising PSA in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: a post hoc analysis of [the] PREVAIL [trial]” (Bryce et al, Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 2017). The PREVAIL trial compared enzalutamide to inert placebo pills in men with metastatic progression after initial hormone therapy as diagnosed by CT, bone scan and MRI. Bryce reported that “among 265
patients with radiographic progression, 65 (24.5%) had non-rising PSA levels.”

In their study, one-third of men with non-rising PSA, but with progression on imaging, had visceral disease, a common feature in men with neuroendocrine prostate cancer, either mixed with adenocarcinoma or pure NEPC. Whereas PSMA PET scans do not register NEPC because of the lack of the PSMA target, in CT scans the physical presence of lesions containing NEPC are

With available data in 2017, Bryce et al. could only speculate that CT progression without PSA increase resulted from an admixture of adenocarcinoma and NEPC in which the NEPC lesions were CT apparent but not secreting PSA. In the future when the epigenetic test, “NEMO”, devised by Bartran (discussed in Commentary #187) becomes commercially available the extent of NEPC in this mixed situation can be assessed on circulating tumor DNA.

Men with ‘non-metastatic’ CRPC at high risk for recurrence, when scanned with a PSMA PET, will be found to have metastatic CRPC in nearly all cases. Men designated as ‘nmCRPC’ and those men established as having metastases, are equally responsive to the addition of second-generation androgen receptor inhibitors when added to ongoing ADT.

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PCa Commentary | Volume 189 – May 2024

Non-Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer:
Management Options, Associated Adverse Effects, and Treatment Outcomes.

‘Non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer’ (nmCRPC) applies to a wide variety of patients with different risks for disease progression. It refers to patients who have had primary therapy intended for cure who then experience a rising PSA while receiving initial hormone suppression, i.e., nmCRPC. The ‘non-metastatic’ status designates that despite a rising PSA while on ADT conventional imaging with CT and bone scan is negative for metastatic spread. Among this ‘non-metastatic‘ category are men who have features likely associated with early development of metastatic disease i.e., PSA doubling time less than or equal to 10 months and Gleason score greater than or equal to 8. A treatment goal for this group would be to delay the occurrence of metastases, i.e., prolong metastases-free survival.

Non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer in men with high-risk features is frequently metastatic on PSMA PET/CT scans.

This high-risk group was studied by Fendler et al, as reported in Clin Cancer Res. 2019. The study group comprised 200 men with high-risk nmCRPC who exhibited a rising PSA while on hormone suppression (ADT): i.e., PSA greater than 2 ng/ml., PSA doubling time in less than or equal to 10 months and Gleason score greater than or equal to 8. All were negative for metastatic disease on conventional CT and bone scans. When studied with PSMA PET scans, pelvic disease was found in 44%, of which 24% had recurrence in the prostate bed and 55% had cancer spread beyond the pelvis: extra-pelvic nodes, 39%; bone, 24% and viscera disease, 6%.

Treatment Options for Non-Metastatic CRPC:

1) Continue therapy with ADT until conventional imaging detects metastases and then augment ADT with second generation androgen receptor inhibitors (SGARi) – apalutamide, enzalutamide, darolutamide or the steroidogenesis inhibitor abiraterone or initiate a SGARi if the PSA doubling time is less than months.
2) Perform a PSMA PET scan and, upon detecting metastases, augment ADT with a SGARi. The establishment of metastatic CRPC opens additional therapeutic options: Provenge, Bipolar Androgen Therapy (BAT) or metastasis directed therapy (MDT).

A caveat: A thoughtful reflection on option #1 above was presented by Madan et al., Journal of Clinical Oncology, March 2024: “Restaging with Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen Imaging in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: When Seeing More is Detrimental to Care.” They “seriously question if identifying subtle, likely subclinical changes on PSMA imaging translates into improving care” in patients with nmCRPC. Their recommendation is to base any therapeutic switch on disease progression exhibited on CT or bone scan. They note that in nmCRPC [i.e., early in the course of the disease] the PSA can rise over a duration of 17 months
without evidence of progression on conventional imaging. Madan’s position is that a premature switch of therapy based on a PSA rise, or PSMA imaged metastases, should be withheld until research data demonstrates a clinical gain, otherwise the patient is at risk for sustaining adverse side effects without a commensurate survival benefit. A comparison of PSMA and standard imaging in biochemically recurrent prostate cancer is underway in a Clinical Trial, NCT04777071.

Comparison of outcome and quality of life with systemic therapies in men with nmCRPC whose PSA doubling time is less than 10 months.

This was addressed by Shore et al. in “A multidisciplinary approach to address unmet needs in the management of patients with non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer,” Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Disease, March 2024. Shore summarized the goals of treatment for nmCRPC as “delay or prevent metastatic disease and the need for additional antimetastatic treatment, maintain quality of life and prolong survival.” In short, in this high-risk group apalutamide, enzalutamide and darolutamide all increased
metastasis-free and overall survival when added to ADT. They all performed equivalently. The choice among the three is influenced by the adverse effects associated with each. Since there has been no “head-to-head” comparison, Shore’s article offers a consensus opinion based on “a panel of 10 multidisciplinary experts:”

Findings: Fatigue is a common feature of all three drugs: 32.6% for enzalutamide; 30.4%, apalutamide; 12.1% darolutamide — all greater compared to Lupron.

Other adverse effects:

apalutamide (Erleda) – rash, 23.8%; falls 15.6% seizures, 0.2%
darolutamide (Nubeqa) – back pain, 8.8%; arthralgia, 8.1%; seizures, 0.2%
enzalutamide  (Xtandi) – hot flashes, 13%; hypertension, 11.9%; falls, 11.4% and nausea, 11.4%. Seizure rate is comparably low.
Their comparison found “a stable long-term safety profile for darolutamide, whereas the likelihood… for serious adverse effects increased with apalutamide and enzalutamide.” Discontinuation of treatment was least likely with darolutamide, 33 months as compared to enzalutamide and apalutamide, 20.8 and 18.5 months, respectively. (George et al., JCO, 2023).

Drug-drug interactions are of significance and common in the older population commonly taking these drugs. The listing in the article is extensive. A consultation with a pharmacist is appropriate to evaluate and advise regarding a patient’s potential adverse drug-drug interactions.

To be noted: The high-risk for recurrence in the men studied in Fendler (above) and evaluated by Shore (also above) share similar high-risk features, suggesting that the ‘non-metastatic’ patients in Shore, if evaluated by PET/CT, would most likely be PET positive for metastatic CRPC.

A Counterintuitive relationship:  CT progression associated with a non-rising PSA in late disease.

Encompassed in the Shore article is the statement: “ … a substantial proportion of patients using SGARis may experience disease progression without rising PSA levels.”  This counterintuitive finding was reported initially and analyzed in 2017 in “Radiographic progression with non-rising PSA in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: a post hoc analysis of [the] PREVAIL [trial]” (Bryce et al, Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 2017). The PREVAIL trial compared enzalutamide to inert placebo pills in men with metastatic progression after initial hormone therapy as diagnosed by CT, bone scan and MRI. Bryce reported that “among 265
patients with radiographic progression, 65 (24.5%) had non-rising PSA levels.”

In their study, one-third of men with non-rising PSA, but with progression on imaging, had visceral disease, a common feature in men with neuroendocrine prostate cancer, either mixed with adenocarcinoma or pure NEPC. Whereas PSMA PET scans do not register NEPC because of the lack of the PSMA target, in CT scans the physical presence of lesions containing NEPC are

With available data in 2017, Bryce et al. could only speculate that CT progression without PSA increase resulted from an admixture of adenocarcinoma and NEPC in which the NEPC lesions were CT apparent but not secreting PSA. In the future when the epigenetic test, “NEMO”, devised by Bartran (discussed in Commentary #187) becomes commercially available the extent of NEPC in this mixed situation can be assessed on circulating tumor DNA.

Men with ‘non-metastatic’ CRPC at high risk for recurrence, when scanned with a PSMA PET, will be found to have metastatic CRPC in nearly all cases. Men designated as ‘nmCRPC’ and those men established as having metastases, are equally responsive to the addition of second-generation androgen receptor inhibitors when added to ongoing ADT.

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PCa Commentary | Volume 188 – April 2024

Prostate cancer is heterogeneous throughout  –  within the prostate are divergent clones of varying malignant potential vying for escape. Within and among metastatic sites heterogeneity reigns. This complex biology presents diagnostic challenges and complicates management decisions. This Commentary reviews a seminal article which comprehensively researched this issue and provides clinical insight.

“Reversible epigenetic alterations mediate PSMA expression heterogeneity in advanced metastatic prostate cancer,” Sayer, Haffner and 22 colleagues, JCI insight, Feb 2023.

The key to their findings is the powerful tool of “rapid autopsy” wherein the prostate and multiple metastases sites are extensively biopsied directly after a patient’s death. Although PSMA is extensively expressed in localize cancer, “imaging studies of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer have demonstrated that up to 30% of patients have PSMA-negative tumors.”  Of 52 men (339 sites evaluated) with metastatic disease 25% had no detectable PSMA at any site. (Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen is the cell surface protein found in varying intensity on prostate cells). 44% of men “showed heterogeneous PSMA expression across individual metastases”. A single lesion might have both high and low PSMA expressing cells with “33 (63%) cases harboring at least one PSMA negative site.” Some cells lacking PSMA expression exhibited a biomarker for neuroendocrine transformation (NE). A small percentage of cells (7%) lacked expression of both PSMA and neuroendocrine markers. This heterogeneity limits the diagnostic effectiveness of PSMA PET scans in imaging the totality of a patient’s metastatic disease burden and has consequences relating to radioligand targeting of PSMA with, i.e., 177-Lutetium-PSMA-617.

Additional complexity regarding PSMA expression was seen: “Notably, we observed focal PSMA staining of the tumor-associated vasculature in tumors lacking PSMA expression in tumor cells.”

The PSMA negative tumors inversely expressed an alternative surface antigen, MUC1 (aka CEACAM5), a neuroendocrine marker whose function is to suppress a cell’s differentiation toward maturity and promote tumor growth. Varying PSMA expression was seen in different organs with lower expression in liver lesions, higher levels in adrenal glands, as compared to middling levels in the prostate and bone metastases suggesting “an interplay between the tumor microenvironment of metastatic sites and PSMA expression.”

The Sayer research discovered a therapeutically relevant relationship: “Epigenetic therapies can restore and augment PSMA expression.” They noted that a suppressive tag (epigenetic methylation) on DNA at portions of the FOLH1 gene suppressed PSMA expression and that the available drug, vorinostat (Zolinza), a histone deacetylase inhibitor, can remove this tag and partially restore PSMA expression. The effect of this agent in reversing PSMA suppression was confirmed in experiments in mice. Taken all together, the combined use of this drug with radioligand targeting of PSMA with, i.e., 177-Lu-PSMA-617 (Pluvicto), might increase the effectiveness of this regimen. The mixture of PSMA and CEACAM5 among metastases suggested a regimen of “co-targeting” both antigens with appropriate radioligands.
PCa Commentary

What are the major take-away points from this elegant research?

Heterogeneity of clones within the prostate and among metastatic sites dilute the accuracy of single site biopsies to capture the dominant genomic character of the cancer on which risk assessment and treatment selection are made. Assaying circulating free tumor DNA or sequencing pooled biopsies can provide broader coverage. 
Response to radioligand therapy with 177-Lu-PSMA-617 (Pluvicto) is proportional to the intensity of PSMA expression in the prostate and metastatic sites, as imaged by PET scans with Pylarify and Ga-68-PSMA-11. A substantial number of metastatic sites show weak PSMA expression and 25% show no PSMA expression and would be expected to respond poorly or not at all to radioligand therapy.
In the Vision trial of 177-Lu-PSMA-617 in men with advanced metastatic prostate cancer only approximately 50% of men showed a >50% decline in PSA, an outcome explained by the heterogeneity of PSMA expression among metastases. The extent of heterogeneity of PSMA expression at earlier stages of disease has not been reported.
The extent of PSMA expression in metastatic lesions is inversely proportional to the expression of markers for neuroendocrine transformation, CEACAM5 / MUC1, suggesting applicability of co-targeting of PSMA and CEACAM5 / MUC1, when radioligands for the latter are effectively developed. MUC1 can be targeted with CAR-T and antibody-drug conjugate therapies.
Epigenetically silenced PSMA expression at the FOLH1 gene can be reversed with vorinostat, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, suggesting that the effectiveness of radioligand targeting of PSMA could be enhanced by combining radioligand therapy with vorinostat.
Advanced research documenting the heterogeneity of PSMA and CEACAM5 expression in metastatic prostate cancer carries significant implications regarding the diagnostic and therapeutic effectiveness of PSMA targeting in advanced disease. A regimen for restoring decreased PSMA expression is presented.

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