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Pierluigi Bove, MD

Pierluigi Bove, MD

University of Rome Tor Vergata

Rome, Italy

Pierluigi Bove, MD, is an associate professor of urology at the Tor Vergata University of Rome in Italy. He graduated from the Tor Vergata University of Rome in medicine and surgery and earned a post-graduate degree in urology. Dr. Bove completed a research fellowship under Prof. Louis R. Kavoussi at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine’s James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. He completed a surgical fellowship under Prof. Fernando J. Kim at the University of Colorado Denver and a masterclass in laparoscopic radical prostatectomy under Prof. Guy Vallancien at the Université René Descartes in Paris, France. Dr. Bove earned a Second Level Master’s Degree in andrology at the University of Pisa in Italy and is qualified as a console surgeon for the da Vinci® surgical system.

Dr. Bove is a member of several scientific societies, including Società Italiana di Urologia (SIU), European Association of Urology (EAU), Italian Endourology Association (IEA) and Italian Group for Advanced Laparo-Endoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery (AGILE). He is author and co-author of approximately 150 scientific publications (H-index 28,, last update October 2023); furthermore, he is the principal investigator for several scientific studies. He is a member of the scientific board of Associazione Italiana di Endourologia (IEA), Italian Group for Advanced Laparo‐Endoscopic Surgery (AGILE), Torvergata Oncoscience Research (TOR) group, Surgical Advisory Board Boston Scientific – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, and several multicentric research groups. Dr. Bove has performed over 4,500 major urological surgery procedures as first operator, primarily with a minimally invasive approach (pure laparoscopic or robot-assisted).


Talks by Pierluigi Bove, MD

Renorrhaphy Techniques During Partial Nephrectomy: Technical Points and Functional Outcomes

Pierluigi Bove, MD, Assistant Professor in Urology at the Tor Vergata University of Rome and Clinical Consultant at the University Polyclinic of Tor Vergata (Rome), argues that focusing on three goals— achieving parenchymal hemostasis at the end of the resection phase, ensuring closure of the collecting system, and avoiding indirect trauma—can help physicians decide which suturing technique to utilize. He explains the necessity of suturing experience, important aspects of the patient’s lesion and vascular anatomy to consider when decision-making, and how to utilize proper resection techniques in renorrhaphy.

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Haemocomponents for Non Transfusional Use: Biological Aspects and New Urological Clinical Applications

Pierluigi Bove, MD, discusses the urological applications of haemocomponents, specifically using fibrin glue in the management of hemorrhagic cystitis. He explains the possibility of managing chronic cystitis, bladder pain syndrome, and chronic pelvic pain with platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Furthermore, he describes his upcoming project to test the effects of hyaluronic acid and PRP on the human epithelium.

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