Molecular Imaging For Staging and Advanced Disease – Axumin and PSMA
Robert E. Reiter, MD, Bing Professor of Urology and Molecular Biology, Director of the Prostate Cancer Program, and Director of Urologic Research at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, discusses the benefits of PSMA imaging in the context of biochemical recurrence. He reviews data from an Australian and an American study which both depict a positive correlation between PSA levels and PSMA prostate cancer detection rates, as well as high sensitivities for detection of recurrence based on pathologic confirmation. He then discusses the results of a study which compared PSMA with Axumin and found PSMA to be more than twice as effective in all areas but the prostate bed, which is most likely due to PSMA being excreted through the bladder. He argues that PSMA imaging can produce between a 29% and 76% change in prostate cancer management and allows for greater precision in treatment, resulting in fewer occurrences of unnecessary radiation therapy and long term systemic therapy.
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