Sangeet Ghai, MD, FRCR, presented “Radiologic Perspective on the Clinical Utility of and Emerging Data on Micro-Ultrasound​” during the virtual 5th Global Summit on Precision Diagnosis and Treatment of Prostate Cancer in September 2021.

How to cite: Ghai, Sangeet. Radiologic Perspective on the Clinical Utility of and Emerging Data on Micro-Ultrasound.” September 2021. Accessed Mar 2025.

Radiologic Perspective on the Clinical Utility of and Emerging Data on Micro-Ultrasound – Summary

In part 1 of a 2-part series on micro-ultrasound for prostate cancer imaging, Sangeet Ghai, MD, FRCR, Deputy Chief of Research and Associate Professor in the Joint Department of Medical Imaging (JDMI) at the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada, considers micro-ultrasound and data evaluating its ability to produce better results than conventional imaging from a radiologic perspective. He explains that micro-ultrasound is a system that functions on a higher frequency than conventional options and uses the PRIMUS protocol, a prostate risk identification system similar to PIRADS. Dr. Ghai states that micro-ultrasound has been shown to increase detection rates by 12%, have sensitivity as high as 91%, and find cancer that was missed by MRI. He also discusses data comparing micro-ultrasound to other imaging modalities that shows that micro-ultrasound can find 1.05 times as much grade group 2 and higher disease as multiparametric MRI and has a 14.6% higher detection rate than robotic elastic fusion. Dr. Ghai concludes by reviewing data looking at micro-ultrasound visibility of MRI lesions and real-time targeting showing that 90% of MRI lesions were visible on micro-ultrasound and that 61% of those harbored clinically significant prostate cancer (csPCa) on targeted biopsy, that 43% of MRI lesions were retrospectively visible on TRUS and that 58% of those harbored csPCa, and that 24% of micro-ultrasound lesions with normal MRI were positive for csPCa.

You can view Part 2 of this series from Dr. Rafael Sanchez-Salas here.

The Virtual Global Summit on Precision Diagnosis and Treatment of Prostate Cancer brings together key international opinion leaders of every clinical subspecialty involved in patient care. This event is an integral part of the AdMeTech Foundation’s Annual Summit, which was established in 2016 and became seminal in shaping the state of the art and future vision for precision care. The goal of this event is three-fold: 1) Educating the key stakeholders; 2) Supporting a sustained cross-disciplinary dialogue and consensus on the best emerging clinical practices and research priorities; and 3) Expediting clinical adoption of promising novel diagnostics and therapeutics. For more educational activities from this virtual event, visit our collection page.


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Dr. Sangeet Ghai is the Deputy Chief of Research and Associate Professor in the Joint Department of Medical Imaging (JDMI) at the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. He is affiliated with the Cancer Clinical Research Unit at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, also in Toronto. Dr Ghai completed his postgraduate training in India, including a senior residency at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi. His main areas of interest and research include prostate imaging and intervention. He is actively involved in developing prostate MRI techniques, high-resolution ultrasound imaging of the prostate, and in-bore focal treatments for intermediate-risk prostate cancer. He is also interested in MR-guided focused ultrasound surgery and MR-guided focal laser ablation.