Mark N. Painter, CPMA, presented “Telehealth in Urology 2024” for the Grand Rounds in Urology audience in January 2024.
How to cite: Painter, Mark N. “Telehealth in Urology 2024.” January 2024. Accessed Feb 2025.
Telehealth in Urology 2024
Mark N. Painter, CPMA, discusses the current landscape of telehealth in Urology, including billing and coding changes anticipated for 2024. Over the course of his presentation, Mr. Painter touches on:
- Billing for Audio-Visual versus Audio-Only Visits
- Private-Payer Telehealth Coverage
- Urology-Specific Uses for Telehealth
- Benefits of Telehealth for Patient and Physician
- Potential Pitfalls of Telehealth in Urology
Mr. Painter concludes that supplementing traditional practice with telehealth is an overall benefit for physicians, patients, and practice.
Mark N. Painter is a managing partner of PRS Consulting LLC, the CEO of PRS Urology Service Corporation, the Vice President of Coding and Reimbursement Information for Physician Reimbursement Systems, Inc., and CEO of Relative Value Studies, Inc. Since co-founding PRS in 1989, Mr. Painter has served as the primary coding resource for the PRS products currently produced and marketed in conjunction with 9 National Specialty Organizations including hotlines, coding manuals, and quick reference tools, the internet-based application, and seminars. He has lectured to a variety of groups concerned with healthcare reimbursement. Mr. Painter’s extensive knowledge of physician documentation, as well as coding and reimbursement issues, has allowed him to assist insurance companies, physicians and their staff members, legal counsel, actuaries, specialty societies, consultants, and the medical industry on a daily basis. Mr. Painter has been the lead for the company on multiple corporate/physician integrity agreements serving as the Independent Review Organization (IRO), and has successfully overseen the review and continued participation in Medicare of several practices from multiple specialties. Mr. Painter has been commended for his education and direction for appropriate documentation and coding by multiple Medicare medical directors with whom he has shared the podium during national and regional medical meetings. He serves as an expert in legal counsel for bio device companies, medical directors, and pharmaceuticals.