Daniel J. George, MD, presented “TheraP Trial and Effectiveness of Lu-PSMA-617” for the Grand Rounds in Urology audience in May 2021.

How to cite: George, Daniel J. TheraP Trial and Effectiveness of Lu-PSMA-617” May 2021. Accessed Mar 2025. https://grandroundsinurology.com/therap-trial-and-effectiveness-of-lu-psma-617/

TheraP Trial and Effectiveness of Lu-PSMA-617 – Summary:

Daniel J. George, MD, Professor of Medicine and Surgery, Divisions of Medical Oncology and Urology at Duke University, comments on the TheraP trial that was presented at the 2021 GU ASCO conference. He reviews the results of the study, compares prior research, and discusses side effects of the treatment. The TheraP trial compared Lu-PSMA-617 against cabazitaxel in mCRPC patients with prior docetaxel chemotherapy. Dr. George contrasts this trial with the VISION study that analyzed patient response to abiraterone and enzalutamide during the chemorefractory setting, but which lacked a comparison to cabazitaxel. He emphasizes that the TheraP trial used two PET scans to identify PSMA-dominant tumors and excluded patients with FDG-positive tumors. This subset of patients was then assigned to either cabazitaxel or Lu-PSMA-617. Results showed increased progression-free survival as well as a decline in PSMA. Dr. George describes some of the side effects of Lu-PSMA-617 and concludes that it may be an optimal option, especially for patients with FDG-negative tumors.

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Dr. Daniel J. George is a Professor of Medicine and Surgery, Divisions of Medical Oncology and Urology in the Duke University School of Medicine. He also has appointments in the Duke Clinical Research Institute and the Duke Cancer Institute where he is Co-leader for the DCI Center for Prostate and Urologic Cancers. He an internationally recognized clinical researcher and thought leader in GU malignancies, with over 150 peer-reviewed publications. His areas of research include new drug development and biomarkers of GU cancers with an emphasis on health disparities. Dr. George is principal investigator of the Duke site for the Department of Defense (DOD) Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials Consortium since 2006, specializing in Phase I and II studies in prostate cancer. He is also the PI of the MaRCC registry in advanced renal cell carcinoma and Co-PI of the PCF 5000, an international, multi-sponsor supported registry in advanced prostate cancer. Nationally, Dr. George has served on the ASCO scientific committee and the Conquer Cancer Foundation grants review committee, and is chair for 2019-20. He alsoserves on two grant committees for AACR. He is the scientific leader for kidney cancer in the Alliance Cooperative Group since 2011 and serves on the Alliance GU scientific committee, NCI GU Steering Committee and the NCI Renal Task Force. He serves as a senior editor for Clinical Cancer Research and Co-editor in Chief of Clinical Advances in Hematology and Oncology.