Pierluigi Bove, MD, presented “Tips and Tricks of Endoscopic Anatomical Enucleation of the Prostate” during the 44th Annual Ralph E. Hopkins Urology Seminar on February 5, 2025, in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
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How to cite: Bove, Pierluigi. “Tips and Tricks of Endoscopic Anatomical Enucleation of the Prostate.” February 5, 2025. Accessed Mar 2025. https://grandroundsinurology.com/tips-and-tricks-of-endoscopic-anatomical-enucleation-of-the-prostate/
Tips and Tricks of Endoscopic Anatomical Enucleation of the Prostate – Summary
Pierluigi Bove, MD, explores the nuances of endoscopic enucleation of the prostate, emphasizing surgical technique, device selection, and procedural optimization. In this 19-minute presentation, Dr. Bove shares key insights on achieving optimal outcomes.
Laser enucleation is now well-established in guidelines, offering a versatile option for various prostate sizes. He indicates the choice between holmium and thulium laser depends on the surgeon’s expertise, as both offer effective outcomes. Dr. Bove highlights the importance of precise anatomical dissection. Pulse modulation technology improves energy delivery, enhancing efficiency and reducing coagulation depth.
Dr. Bove shares his structured approach with a video of a procedure. He begins with a U-shaped incision at the apex, mucosal release, and stepwise enucleation of lobes to maintain orientation and clear visualization during morcellation. He shares practical tips for trainees, stressing mentorship, recognizing anatomical planes, and prioritizing hemostasis to ensure safe and effective procedures.
About The 44th Annual Ralph E. Hopkins Urology Seminar:
The Ralph E. Hopkins Urology Seminar is a multi-day meeting focused on training urologists in the latest in assessing, diagnosing, and treating urologic conditions in the clinical setting. Updates are provided on urologic cancers, stone disease, urologic reconstruction, female urology, infertility, sexual function, emerging surgical techniques, and general urology. The 44th iteration of the meeting took place from February 5th to February 8th, 2025, in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
For further educational activities from this conference, visit our collection page.
Pierluigi Bove, MD, is an associate professor of urology at the Tor Vergata University of Rome in Italy. He graduated from the Tor Vergata University of Rome in medicine and surgery and earned a post-graduate degree in urology. Dr. Bove completed a research fellowship under Prof. Louis R. Kavoussi at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine’s James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. He completed a surgical fellowship under Prof. Fernando J. Kim at the University of Colorado Denver and a masterclass in laparoscopic radical prostatectomy under Prof. Guy Vallancien at the Université René Descartes in Paris, France. Dr. Bove earned a Second Level Master’s Degree in andrology at the University of Pisa in Italy and is qualified as a console surgeon for the da Vinci® surgical system.
Dr. Bove is a member of several scientific societies, including Società Italiana di Urologia (SIU), European Association of Urology (EAU), Italian Endourology Association (IEA) and Italian Group for Advanced Laparo-Endoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery (AGILE). He is author and co-author of approximately 150 scientific publications (H-index 28, www.scopus.com, last update October 2023); furthermore, he is the principal investigator for several scientific studies. He is a member of the scientific board of Associazione Italiana di Endourologia (IEA), Italian Group for Advanced Laparo‐Endoscopic Surgery (AGILE), Torvergata Oncoscience Research (TOR) group, Surgical Advisory Board Boston Scientific – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, and several multicentric research groups. Dr. Bove has performed over 4,500 major urological surgery procedures as first operator, primarily with a minimally invasive approach (pure laparoscopic or robot-assisted).