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Optilume® BPH Catheter System: Optilume® Care Pathway and Treatment Options – Q&A Session

E. David Crawford, MD, Stephen Kaplan, MD, and Kevin T. McVary, MD, FACS, continue their discussion of the utility of the Optilume® BPH Catheter System in this Q&A session.  

To see the main discussion on this topic, click here. This is the second in a series supported by Laborie. To see the first part of this series, click here. For more informational content on the latest developments on men’s health topics like BPH, please visit our Men’s Health Next-Generation Learning Center.

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High-Risk Localized and Oligometastatic Disease

Christopher J. Kane, MD, FACS, provides an overview of current best practices in detecting and treating high-risk localized and oligometastatic prostate cancer. In this presentation, he reviews:
The diagnostic value of PSMA PET versus nodal dissection
The overall survival rates of patients treated with ADT plus XRT versus ADT alone
The risks of long-term ADT

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Life Expectancy as It Relates to the Treatment of Urologic Cancers

Thomas W. Jarrett, MD, discusses the impact of life expectancy on urologic cancer treatment and management in the United States. He begins by highlighting outdated life expectancy models and the importance of assessing life expectancy prior to exploring treatment options.

Dr. Jarrett then discusses the traditional methods of assessing life expectancy and their failure to account for patient comorbidities. He lists the most significant comorbidities which impact life expectancy according to their hazard score.

Dr. Jarrett then addresses overall trends in life expectancy in the United States. He notes that life expectancy sharply decreased during COVID-19 and that the United States has yet to recover compared to European life expectancy trends.

Dr. Jarrett concludes by illustrating the influence of perceived life expectancy on urologic cancer management and outcomes. He discusses the impact of life expectancy on treatment options for urothelial cancer, testicular cancer, renal cancer, and prostate cancer.

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