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Convergent Therapeutics: Next-Generation Targeted Radiotherapies

Philip Kantoff, MD, explores the advancements in targeted radiotherapies, emphasizing their potential to revolutionize prostate cancer treatment. He introduces next-generation targeted radiotherapies, such as radioligand therapy, which utilize molecules designed to bind specifically to cancer cell markers, delivering lethal doses of radiation directly to the tumor cells. This approach minimizes damage to surrounding healthy tissues, a limitation of traditional radiotherapy.

Dr. Kantoff highlights convergent therapeutics, which combines targeted radiotherapy with other treatment modalities, including immunotherapy and conventional chemotherapy. Kantoff also addresses the challenges of implementing these advanced therapies in clinical practice.

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Clinical Evaluation and Management of Men with Localized and Recurrent Prostate Cancer

Jan Philipp Radtke, MD, MBA, addresses the clinical evaluation and management of men with localized and recurrent prostate cancer, emphasizing a comprehensive and personalized approach to treatment.

Dr. Radtke discusses how advanced imaging techniques, such as multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) and PET imaging (e.g., PSMA-PET), provide detailed anatomical and functional information. He also addresses management strategies for recurrent prostate cancer including salvage radiation therapy, salvage surgery (e.g., radical prostatectomy), systemic therapies such as androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), or novel targeted therapies.

Dr. Radtke emphasizes the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration in managing complex cases of prostate cancer. Collaboration among urologists, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, and imaging specialists ensures a coordinated approach to treatment planning and monitoring. Regular monitoring through PSA tests and imaging assessments allows for early detection of treatment response or disease progression, enabling timely adjustments to therapeutic strategies.

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Standardized MRI and Molecular Imaging Reporting for Focal Therapy Follow-up – Creating Imaging Based Short and Intermediate Outcomes

Daniel Margolis, MD, focuses on standardized MRI and molecular imaging reporting for follow-up in prostate cancer focal therapy. Implementing standardized protocols for imaging evaluation post-focal therapy aims to ensure consistency and reliability across different healthcare settings, facilitate accurate comparison of treatment outcomes, and enable evidence-based decision-making.
Multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) is a cornerstone of the follow-up strategy. By utilizing standardized reporting systems such as the Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System (PI-RADS), radiologists can systematically assess post-treatment changes, detect residual or recurrent disease, and monitor treatment response. Dr. Margolis also discusses molecular imaging techniques that offer additional insights into treatment response and disease activity at a molecular level. Novel tracers and imaging agents target specific biological markers associated with prostate cancer, enhancing the precision and sensitivity of post-treatment assessments.
Dr. Margolis emphasizes the importance of integrating these imaging modalities into a cohesive framework. This approach not only aids in the early detection of treatment failure or disease recurrence but also guides timely intervention and adjustment of therapeutic strategies.

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Choosing Systemic Therapy for Men with Metastatic Hormone Sensitive Prostate Cancer

Andrew W. Hahn, MD, analyzes systemic therapy choices for men with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer. His presentation delves into the critical factors influencing treatment decisions and the latest advancements in therapeutic options.
Dr. Hahn begins by outlining current systemic therapies, including androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) and its combination with other agents. By discussing the mechanisms of action and the efficacy of various therapeutic agents, Dr. Hahn provides a detailed examination of the available treatment options.
Dr. Hahn also addresses the role of personalized medicine in managing metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer. He highlights the importance of genetic profiling and biomarker testing in tailoring treatment plans to individual patients.
Throughout the presentation, Dr. Hahn underscores the dynamic nature of prostate cancer treatment, with ongoing research continually informing and refining clinical practice.

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