Guilherme Godoy, MD, MS, presented “NMIBC Post-FDA Approval of New Drugs” at the 27th Annual Innovations in Urologic Practice conference on September 22nd, 2023.

How to cite: Godoy, Guilherme. NMIBC Post-FDA Approval of New Drugs.” September 2023. Accessed May 2024.

NMIBC Post-FDA Approval of New Drugs – Summary

Guilherme Godoy, MD, MS, explores recently FDA-approved treatments for NMIBC high-risk patients, with a focus on alternatives for BCG-unresponsive patients. He examines studies comparing the effectiveness of drug-based and gene-based therapies for the treatment of NMIBC against BCG, including:

  • Pembrolizumab
  • GemDOCE
  • Adstiladrin (Nadofaragene Firadenovec-vngc)

About The 27th Annual Innovations in Urologic Practice:

Presented by co-chairs Mohit Khera, MD, MBA, MPH, and Michael Coburn, MD, FACS, the Innovations in Urologic Practice conference provides a detailed review and commentary on multiple genitourinary and urologic diseases. Among the featured oncological topics are bladder cancer and immunotherapies, as well as upper tract cancer management, prostate cancer, including state-of-the-art imaging, focal therapy, and MRI. Experts also discuss new tools and techniques for nephrectomy and treating advanced renal cell carcinoma. In terms of general urological approaches, the conference also includes pelvic reconstruction and trauma; men’s health topics like male infertility, andrology, and sexual dysfunction; OAB and voiding dysfunctions; and ways to diagnose and treat infections in the urology patient.

For further educational activities from this conference, visit our collection page.