David Utz

David Utz

Talks by David Utz

Next Generation Sequencing + PCR: The Key to Clearing Chronic Urological Infections

Rick Martin, CEO of MicroGen DX, discusses how his company is working to better detect microbes. He outlines their use of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) which is faster, cheaper, more accurate, and allows the casting of a broader net in identifying microbe species than previously used tests. Patients with rare and hard to treat UTI infections particularly benefit from this type of testing. This is because bacteria adaption can result in culture ID evasion making these types of tests ineffective, but NGS tests DNA so this issue is not a problem. Martin emphasizes that the real strength of NGS is its database of sequence codes, which to date had more than 50,000 more than any other company or academic center.

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Advances in COVID-19 Testing: PCR Test Validated for Sputum and Swabs

Rick Martin, CEO of Microgen Diagnostics, discusses COVID-19 testing with E. David Crawford, MD. Mr. Martin explains the type of tests currently used around the world, how exactly the tests are administered, and why these tests are running into problems. He goes on to discuss how his company is developing a validated sputum-based test which is more accurate and more sensitive that can be ordered directly from the company then shipped directly to the patient’s home to avoid contact as much as possible, with results available through an online portal within a week.

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