Matt T. Rosenberg, MD

Matt T. Rosenberg, MD

Mid Michigan Health Centers

Jackson, Michigan

Matt T. Rosenberg, MD, earned his medical degree at the University of California, Irvine, where he trained in general surgery. He also trained in urologic surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston before changing fields to general practice. Dr Rosenberg has a special interest in the medical management of urologic diseases and has authored or coauthored articles appearing in Urology, The Journal of Urology, BJU International, The International Journal of Clinical Practice, and other peer-reviewed journals. He now practices in Jackson, Michigan, serving as Medical Director of Mid-Michigan Health Centers, and on staff at Allegiance Health, where he served as Chief of the Department of Family Medicine from 2003 to 2006. Dr. Rosenberg is a Senior Editor at the International Journal of Clinical Practice and is Founder and Chairman of the Urologic Health Foundation, a nonprofit group dedicated to the education of primary care physicians in the field of genitourinary disease. In 2011, he was appointed by the AUA Office of Education to be the Coordinator of Primary Care Education.

Talks by Matt T. Rosenberg, MD

New Treatment Options in LUTS

Matt T. Rosenberg, MD, discusses treating of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) through a framework of inhibiting overproduction of urine by the kidneys. In this dual-presentation, he describes behavioral modifications as well as pharmacologic agents for the management of overactive bladder (OAB) and nocturia.

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Nocturia: Symptom or Disease?

Matt T. Rosenberg, MD, discusses the multiple etiologies of nocturia and nocturnal polyuria and corresponding treatment options, emphasizing the need for shared care when managing nocturia. He then reviews the efficacy and safety of a novel version of desmopressin for reducing the kidney’s production of urine at night time.

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Future Directions in the Treatment of Nocturia

Matt T. Rosenberg, MD, reviews treatment options for nocturia, such as patient counseling, medications, and newly available molecules that can safely control urine excretion from the kidneys. He also discusses quality of life burden nocturia poses on patients, as well as differentiating between nocturia and nocturnal polyuria.

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