
Functional and Reconstructive Urology

Section Editor: Brian J. Flynn, MD

Urologists should be the experts in the management of lower urinary tract disorders. In recent years, other specialties have led the management of patients that are traditionally managed by the urologist. These specialties although improved the care of some women, they failed the general population as the focus was on gender not the disease.

Functional and Reconstructive Urology (FRU) is a rapidly expanding subspecialty in Urology. Some may call it rebranding, others call it a blending of existing subspecialties including Female Urology, Neuro-urology, Urodynamics, BPH, Prosthetic Urology, Men’s Health and Reconstructive Urology. Regardless of the name, the vision of the subspecialty is to improve the management of patients with urinary disorders.

To do this, the urologist needs to reconnect with a general population of patients with lower urinary tract disorders (LUTD) by creating a subspecialty that is more reflective of what sets the urologists apart in the management of LUT. The subspecialty includes management of both failures to store/empty the bladder, male/female patients, and neurogenic/non-neurogenic Urology in a much more comprehensive and inclusive way when compared to previous subspecialty approaches. This is an integrative approach that embraces not only the traditional methods of managing bladder disorders such as medical therapy, surgery, and neuromodulation while embracing innovative approaches that
include diet, lifestyle changes, physical therapy, and physiotherapy with the end goal of helping all patients heal store/empty effectively.

The Next Generation Functional and Reconstructive Urology Learning Center will provide information about our current and evolving knowledge with respect to functional urology. Our hope is that this expanding awareness continues to evolve the subspecialty care and improve the bladder health of men and women including those with neurogenic disabilities. The course will also dispel myths regarding functional urology as ”quackery,” and present the current state of the art in managing the FRU patient.

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What is Functional Urology?

Brian J. Flynn, MD, presented “Functional Urology: A New Sub-Specialty or Rebranding?” during the 1st International Functional and Reconstructive Urology Update on August 28, 2024, in Denver, Colorado.

In an engaging interview, Section Editor Brian J. Flynn, MD, speaks with Ryan P. Terlecki, MD, FACS, about the topic of “What is Functional Urology?” This insightful discussion took place during the 11th Annual Urology Today conference in Asheville, North Carolina, October 2023.

Interviews with Icons: Developing the Field of Functional and Reconstructive Urology

Brian J. Flynn, MD, interviews Sender Herschorn, BSc, MDCM, FRCSC, one of the pioneers in the field of functional and reconstructive urology.

Brian J. Flynn, MD, interviews Chris Chapple, BSc, MD, FRCS, one of the pioneers in the field of functional and reconstructive urology.

Brian J. Flynn, MD, interviews Alan Wein, MD, PhD, FACS, one of the pioneers in the field of functional and reconstructive urology.

View content from previous International Functional and Reconstructive Urology Update Meetings

BPH/Urinary Retention

This section will increase your awareness of nonoperative and operative management, including the largely expanding office-based therapies and surgical treatment for BPH.

Female Urinary Incontinence

This section will build your expertise on nonoperative and operative management of overactive bladder and SUI.

Infection and Inflammatory Disorders

This section will build your understanding of the non-operative management of inflammatory disorders including interstitial cystitis, prostatitis, and urinary tract infections using predominantly natural therapies and lifestyle changes.

Male Urinary Incontinence

This section will build your expertise on nonoperative and operative management including urinary prosthetics.

Men’s Health

This section will provide a review of erectile dysfunction, penile health, and testosterone replacement.

Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Disorder

This section will provide a comprehensive review of the improved guidelines for the management of the lower urinary tract and those with neurogenic disorders.



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Brian J. Flynn, MD
University of Colorado Hospital
Denver, Colorado
Brian J. Flynn, MD, is a professor of urology and fellowship director in Functional and Reconstructive Urology (FRU) at the University of Colorado in Denver, Colorado. He is board-certified in urology and female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Flynn’s focus is in functional and reconstructive urology with an active practice in male/female urinary incontinence, voiding dysfunction, urethral stricture disease, and robotic bladder/ureteral reconstructive surgery. He is a national leader in the use of minimally invasive surgical techniques and robotics for the treatment of urinary incontinence, bladder neck contracture, urethral stricture, and ureteral obstruction.

Click here for his full GRU bio and publications.