Ashley E. Ross, MD, PhD, presented “​Prognostic and Predictive Markers” during the 7th Global Summit on Precision Diagnosis and Treatment of Prostate Cancer on September 21, 2023.

How to cite: Ross, Ashley E. Prognostic and Predictive Markers.” September 21, 2023. Accessed Oct 2024.

Prognostic and Predictive Markers – Summary

Ashley E. Ross, MD, PhD, discusses genomics—prognostic and predictive markers in non-metastatic prostate cancer. He explains outcomes for localized prostate cancer vary widely and clinical decisions are based on disease risk. He points out genomic factors can provide an individualized risk assessment. Dr. Ross shares the principles of risk stratification within National Comprehensive Care Network (NCCN) guidelines that include gene expression testing (e.g., Decipher 13) and describes the Decipher platform.

Dr. Ross shares prognostic data for Decipher that show an 80% accuracy for predicting metastasis, and explains how this information informs clinical decision-making. He explains that markers can help differentiate men on active surveillance (AS) to guide the intensity of the surveillance or the decision to proceed with treatment. In men with unfavorable intermediate risk disease, data shows genomic information can help determine how much androgen signaling inhibition (if any) is necessary with radiation therapy (RT).

Dr. Ross then explains the GUIDANCE trial and explains that NCCN further stratifies high-risk patients by genomics and explains this is the focus of a longer term trial, PREDICT-RT*. He then turns to who should consider RT at prostate-specific antigen (PSA) <0.1-0.2ng/ml and asserts men with low Decipher genomic risk undergoing early salvage radiation should consider avoiding hormonal therapy.

Dr. Ross explains PAM50 is a genomic classifier that identifies subtypes of cancer expression which are common across breast, bladder, prostate, and other cancers. He addresses elements of the TITAN trial as well as the ENACT trial. He concludes that individualized risk stratification drives treatment decisions and outcomes, genomics can provide independent prognostic accuracy, and predictive markers for treatment response are in active development.


The Global Summit on Precision Diagnosis and Treatment of Prostate Cancer is a unique multi-disciplinary forum organized to inform the key health care stakeholders about the emerging advances in clinical case and research and create a consensus-based vision for the future of precision care and educational and research strategy for its realization. The mission of the Summit is to fill the currently existing gap between the key experts of in vivo imaging, the world authorities in the in vitro fluid- and tissue-based molecular diagnostics, including genomics, and thought leaders in the development of novel observation strategies (e.g., active surveillance, or AS) and therapeutic interventions.


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Ashley E. Ross, MD, PhD, is Executive Medical Director at Mary Crowley Cancer Research in Dallas, Texas. He also practices as a physician with Texas Oncology Practice Associates and Texas Urology Specialists. He was formerly an Associate Professor of Urology and Oncology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine where he led the Brady Urological Prostate Cancer Program and co-directed the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center’s multidisciplinary prostate cancer clinic. Dr. Ross has been particularly interested in evaluating novel diagnostics and therapeutics and has led trials testing biomarkers for prostate cancer diagnosis, novel imaging modalities for staging, genomic markers to assess risk, and therapeutic trials for high-risk disease and low-volume metastatic disease. Dr. Ross is an Associate Editor of the “Journal of Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases,” “Urology,” and “Annals of Surgical Oncology.” He is on the editorial board of the “British Journal of Urology” and “Urology Practice.” He has been recognized with numerous awards and honors, including the Johns Hopkins Clinical Scientist Award, the Department of Defense Prostate Cancer PTRA Award, the Patrick C. Walsh Prostate Cancer Research Award, and a Prostate Cancer Foundation Young Investigator Award.