Michael A. Liss, MD, PhD, MAS, FACS, presented “Restriction Spectrum Imaging Guided Biopsy” during the 2023 Frontiers in Oncologic Prostate Care and Ablative Local Therapy symposium on November 10, 2023, in Chicago, Illinois.
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How to cite: Liss, Michael A. “Restriction Spectrum Imaging Guided Biopsy.” November, 2023. Accessed Mar 2025. https://grandroundsinurology.com/restriction-spectrum-imaging-guided-biopsy/
Restriction Spectrum Imaging Guided Biopsy – Summary
Michael A. Liss, MD, PhD, MAS, FACS, discusses how Restriction Spectrum Imaging (RSI) Guided Biopsy can aid in processing and interpreting MRIs by reducing false positives and improving MRI distortion. Dr. Liss begins by describing the top current issues with MRI sequencing: varied positive predictive values and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) distorting MRI results.
Dr. Liss then discusses the role of RSI-guided biopsy in mitigating the weaknesses of conventional MRI. He illustrates what an MRI sequence with RSI using compartmental, nuclear volume, and geometric filtering looks like.
Dr. Liss concludes with examples of RSI-MRI results in patients with different Gleason scores and inflammation. He compares the efficacy of RSI-MRI in differentiating between inflammatory and regular lesions and presents data that supports the use of RSI-MRI in lowering the frequency of false positive biopsies due to the misclassification of inflammatory lesions.
Frontiers in Oncologic Prostate Care and Ablative Local Therapy (FOCAL) is an outstanding program on prostate imaging, transperineal interventions, and ablative treatments for prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Bringing together community-based, academic, and industry partners, FOCAL offers lectures by world-renowned faculty and hands-on training workshops on in-office transperineal interventions, fusion-guided prostate ablation and state-of-the-art BPH management with novel technologies.
Michael A. Liss MD, PhD, MAS, FACS is a Urologic Oncologist and Associate Professor at the University of Texas (UT) Health San Antonio. He earned his BS from Benedictine University in Illinois and received his MD from the Medical College of Wisconsin. Dr. Michael Liss completed his residency at the University of California Irvine and then the Society of Urologic Oncology (SUO)-approved Urologic Oncology Fellowship at the University of California San Diego and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Liss won Clinical Investigator of the Year 2017 for the UT Health Cancer Center and is also the Director of Clinical Research at UT Health, San Antonio. His surgical skills include robotic and traditional open surgical procedures. His training allows him to be able to choose a patient-specific approach to surgical resection.
Dr. Liss completed a Masters Degree in Applied Science with a focus in Clinical Research to acquire the knowledge to design and implement cutting-edge clinical trials. He was selected as the principal investigator of SWOG (formerly Southwest Oncology Group), which is a partner in the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI’s) National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN). In this capacity, he works with oncologists at UT Health Cancer Center to open the newest clinical trials in San Antonio to include the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. His primary research interests include incorporating imaging and biomarker translational research into interventional clinical trials.