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Robotic Partial Nephrectomy for Complex Cases: Planning the Surgical Strategy

Pierluigi Bove, MD, discusses robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy, focusing on its application in complex renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cases. He begins by outlining the critical factors influencing the decision to use surgery to treat RCC.

Dr. Bove addresses the challenges that surgeons need to address when surgically treating complex RCC, including tumor size, location, and proximity to vital structures. He discusses strategies to tumor location, renal anatomic complexity, and other potential complications

He concludes with video demonstrations of robotic-assisted RCC surgery in practice. He highlights the benefits of robotic surgery, and illustrates how combining it with the surgeon’s skill results in the best outcome for the patient.

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PET Tumor Board: Case #6

In this discussion, E. David Crawford, MD, Jack A. Vickers Director of Prostate Research and Professor of Urology at the University of California, San Diego, leads a discussion of the case study of a 63 year old patient with a strong family history of prostate cancer. He presents this case study to a panel of experts comprised of:

Wayne G. Brisbane, MD – Assistant Professor of Urology at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Phillip J. Koo, MD – Division Chief of Diagnostic Imaging and Northwest Region Oncology Physician Executive at the Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Daniel P. Petrylak, MD – Director of Genitourinary Oncology, Professor of Medicine and Urology, Co-Leader of Cancer Signaling Networks, and Co-Director of the Signal Transduction Program at Yale University Cancer Center.

Dr. Crawford informs the panel that the patient, a physician with a history of low-grade prostate cancer, initially presented with a PSA of 4.9 ng/ml, his germline test was negative, and his MRI revealed a 40g prostate with a PI-RADS 3 lesion at the left base. After a negative SelectMDx scan and low-risk OncotypeDX score, along with a course of finasteride which lowered his PSA to 1.43 ng/ml, Dr. Crawford asks the panel to weigh in on further steps.

Dr. Brisbane suggests exploring reclassifying the patient’s risk score, given his family history, in order to qualify them for a PSMA. Dr. Petrylak supports the suggestion, mentioning that it has been common practice to reimage patients after finasteride use.

Dr. Crawford shows the results from the patient’s POSLUMA scan which showed uptake in multiple foci. Dr. Koo digs into the results, noting that there are alternate explanations for the results showing multiple uptakes. Given the patient’s risk profile, the panel suggests a confirmatory biopsy of the prostate in the highest activity areas.

Dr. Crawford reveals that the patient’s confirmatory biopsies showed the presence of Gleason 6 (3+3) prostate cancer in the uptake areas. Given the discordance between the biopsies and the scans, the panel discusses possible next steps, including sending the biopsy samples for Decipher testing, treating the patient with targeted focal therapy, and options for whole-gland therapy. The panel also discusses the dangers of over-reliance on scan results in treatment selection and cautions against over-treatment.

This is the sixth in a series of discussions on PSMA PET supported by Blue Earth Diagnostics. For the first installment, click here. For the second installment, click here. For the third installment, click here. For the fourth installment, click here. For the fifth installment, click here.

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The Application of Stimulated Raman Histology to Urologic Malignancies – Human and Artificial Intelligent Assessment

James S. Wysock, MD, MSc, explores Stimulated Raman Histology (SRH) in diagnosing and managing urologic malignancies, emphasizing the role of both human and artificial intelligence (AI) assessments. SRH, a cutting-edge imaging technique, provides rapid, label-free histological images of tissues, enabling real-time intraoperative diagnosis. Dr. Wysock highlights SRH’s high specificity and sensitivity in identifying cancerous tissues, potentially reducing reliance on frozen sections and improving surgical outcomes.

Dr. Wysock discusses integrating AI into SRH image analysis, including creating training datasets, validation studies, and clinical trials. The potential for AI to enhance diagnostic precision and minimize human error is a key focus. Data show that SRH, combined with AI assessment, significantly improves the accuracy of margin detection during prostate and kidney cancer surgeries.

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The Baked Potato (Prostate): Focal Microwave Ablation

Peter K.F. Chiu, MD, PhD, FRCSEd, discusses the application and efficacy of focal microwave ablation (FMA) in the treatment of prostate cancer. Dr. Chiu emphasizes the minimally invasive procedure while emphasizing the precision of this method, which allows for effective ablation of cancerous lesions while minimizing damage to adjacent structures such as the urethra, neurovascular bundles, and rectum.

He describes the patients best suited for FMA and presents the procedure’s promising clinical outcomes. Dr. Chiu also addresses the technological advancements that have played a crucial role in enhancing FMA’s safety and effectiveness.

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