Prostate Microultrasound
Gerald L. Andriole, Jr., MD, Director of Urology in the National Capital Region at the Brady Urologic Institute at Johns Hopkins University, discusses the uses of microultrasound in prostate assessment using the PRIMUS (Prostate Risk Identification using Micro-UltraSound) protocol, which allows most prostate ducts to be visualized and tissue patterns appreciated. He compares the accuracy of PRIMUS to its conventional analog, PRIMAD. Dr. Andriole cites research that suggests novice mircroultrasound practitioners can become adept at interpreting images and identifying lesions after as few as 30-40 scans.
He compares images and biopsy results from conventional ultrasound, microultrasound, and multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) to illustrate the accuracy of microultrasound. Dr. Andriole also shares data that supports the use of systematic biopsy, micro-ultrasound targeted biopsy, and MRI together to identify the greatest proportion of clinically significant prostate cancer. However, Dr. Andriole concludes that while microultrasound is a promising tool for future identification of prostate risk, current studies like the OPTIMUM trial have yet to determine whether it can fully replace conventional diagnostic MRIs.
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