This issue of Grand Rounds in Urology provides a thorough review of available biomarkers and genomic tests for diagnosing clinically significant prostate cancer. It also discusses the challenges, implementation, and costs associated with these tests, and offers an algorithm incorporating the latest data for clinical use.

prostate carcinoma, biomarkers, PSA screening, antiandrogens, biopsy, aggressive prostate cancer




Medical Editor:

E. David Crawford, MD
Professor of Surgery, Urology, and Radiation Oncology Head, Urologic Oncology
E. David Crawford Endowed Chair in Urologic Oncology
University of Colorado, Denver
Aurora, Colorado


Paul Arangua
Research Assistant
University of Colorado, Denver
Aurora, CO

Salvatore P. Catarinicchia, MD
Surgery/Urology Resident
University of Colorado, Denver
Aurora, Colorado

John Hoenemeyer, MD
Urologic Oncology Research Fellow
University of Colorado, Denver
Aurora, CO

Robert E. Donohue, MD
Professor, Department of Surgery
University of Colorado, Denver
Aurora, CO

L. Michael Glode, MD
Professor, Division of Medical Oncology
Robert Rifkin Chair for Prostate Cancer Research
University of Colorado, Denver
Aurora, CO

Michael Maccini, MD
Urology Resident
University of Colorado, Denver
Aurora, CO

Priya N. Werahera, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
University of Colorado, Denver
Aurora, CO

Nick Westfall, MD
Urology Resident
University of Colorado, Denver
Aurora, CO

Cole Wiedel, MD
General Surgeon
Aurora, CO



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75. Crawford ED, Rosenberg MT, Partin AW, Cooperberg MR, Maccini M, Loeb S, et al. An Approach Using PSA Levels of 1.5 ng/mL as the Cutoff for Prostate Cancer Screening in Primary Care. Urology 2016;96:116-20.

76. Crawford ED, Moul JW, Rove KO, Pettaway CA, Lamerato LE, Hughes A. Prostate- specific antigen 1.5-4.0 ng/mL: a diagnostic challenge and danger zone. BJU Int 2011;108:1743-9.

77. Van NL, Hendriks RJ, Dijkstra S, Trooskens G, Cornel EB, Jannink SA, et al. Detection of High-grade Prostate Cancer Using a Urinary Molecular Biomarker-Based Risk Score. Eur Urol 2016;70:740-8.

78. Crawford ED, KO Rove, AB Barqawi, PD Maroni, et al., Clinical-pathologic correlation between transperineal mapping biopsies of the prostate and three-dimensional reconstruction of prostatectomy specimens. Prostate, 2013 May;73(7):778-87. doi: 10.1002/pros.22622. Epub 2012 Nov 20.


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Researcher-physician E. David Crawford, MD, Jack A. Vickers Director of Prostate Research and Professor of Urology at the University of California, San Diego, has devoted his career in medicine to educating the public about men's health issues and finding effective techniques and procedures to address prostate cancer, the most common malignancy affecting men in the United States.