
Genomics and Biomarkers

The role of genetic testing for prostate cancer risk is a rapidly changing area. Experts debate the indications of sending a patient on to genetic counseling for further potential screening for inherited prostate cancer risk. One major issue that needs to be addressed in the urology community today is recognizing the frequency of inherited mutations that are affecting prostate cancer patients. About 1-2% of prostate cancer patients have mutations in BRCA 1 and 2, among a long list of other mutations that are quite common in metastatic prostate cancer. Evaluating inherited prostate cancer risk in patients should also be expanded to asking about family history in breast cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, and colon cancer. Genetic testing could be a way to catch prostate cancer early and improve patient outcomes.

Prostate Cancer Screening

Germline Detection, Genetics, and Genomics

Molecular Detection