Brian J. Flynn, MD, presented “Expanding the Surgical Options for Primary and Recurrent Male Stress Incontinence​” at the 11th Urology Today conference on October 27, 2023.

How to cite: Flynn, Brian J. Expanding the Surgical Options for Primary and Recurrent Male Stress Incontinence.” October 2023. Accessed May 2024.

Expanding the Surgical Options for Primary and Recurrent Male Stress Incontinence – Summary

Brian J. Flynn, MD, evaluates current and upcoming surgical options for treating primary and recurrent male stress incontinence. He begins by reviewing the medical, social, and urethral characteristics of male stress urinary incontinence (SUI) surgical candidates.

Dr. Flynn then evaluates the risks and benefits of male perineal slings (MPS), artificial urinary sphincters (AUS), and adjustable continence therapy (ACT) devices.  He notes that, presently, the least effective surgical option also has the least risk of complications for the patient.

Dr. Flynn concludes by presenting examples of patients with various levels of male SUI and how MPS, AUS, and ACT apply to each case. He reiterates that focusing on patient quality of life is paramount in the successful treatment of male SUI.

About The 11th Urology Today Conference:

Presented by chair Ryan P. Terlecki, MD, FACS, the 11th Urology Today conference was designed to keep urologists, urologic oncologists, and other healthcare providers educated on the most pertinent issues in urology practices. Areas of focus included urologic oncology, men’s health and reconstruction, female urology, pediatric urology, kidney stones and related conditions, and methods of providing the best care amidst the required logistics of the business side of medicine.

For further educational activities from this conference, visit our collection page.